How to Create a Landing Page That Maximizes Benefits - Websites Made Simple

How to Create a Landing Page (Expert Tips and Proven Practices)

Learn how to create, design, and test landing pages that not only attract visitors but also convert them into your active audience.

As a marketing specialist, I cannot emphasize enough how important Landing Pagesare. These are exactly where visitors land after clicking on an ad, a call-to-action button, or simply following a link. This is where your customer's crucial journey begins. Regardless of how they got there, the Landing Page should inspire them to take action, to become your customers. That's why Landing Pages are not just a tool but real magic in the world of digital marketing.

What is a Landing Page?

It is a web page with a clear purpose: to convert visitors into potential customers. Although there are many such pages, their purpose is always the same - to attract more potential customers. On a Landing Page, you will find forms to collect contact information from visitors in exchange for something valuable, which we call an offer.

How to Create a Landing Page?

Crearea unui Landing Page nu trebuie să fie complicată. Iată câțiva pași simpli care vă vor ajuta să-l creați.

Definiți-vă scopul și audiența

Before you begin creating a Landing Page, you need to understand why you're doing it, who it's for, and what actions visitors should take. Your answers will determine the text, the customer attraction magnet, and the necessary elements on the page.

Imagine you're creating a Landing Page to promote your new product - organic skincare cosmetics. Your goal is to convert visitors into buyers. You need to define your audience - they could be individuals interested in natural and eco-friendly cosmetics suitable for all skin types.

Choosing the Platform

Choosing the platform is an important step after defining your goals and audience. You can use popular CMSs like WordPress and Wix, or specialized landing page builders such as Unbounce or Leadpages. However, the latter can be expensive, and free platforms may not meet your needs. As a solution, you can use the Simple Ditsplatform. This tool provides an editor, a wide range of templates, customization options, analytics, and CRM integration. Create beautiful, efficient, and adaptable landing pages without prior IT experience.

Preparing the Design

Сreare website - constructor de site-uri web - Website Builder - WordPress

Prepare the design of your landing page. If you already have a template selected, it's time to adjust it to reflect your brand. You need to choose an appropriate color palette, fonts, layout, and other visual elements. Here are some tips to help you in this process:

  1. Choose an attractive main image that immediately captures the attention of visitors and conveys the essence of your offer. Select an image that captures emotions and reinforces your offer: Your visitors should feel what you propose. Conduct A/B tests to find the best image that will enhance the attractiveness of your landing page and increase conversions.
  2. Let images and illustrations show the advantages and values of your product or service. Let the visual elements tell your story.
  3. If possible, add real photos of people using your product or service. This will help landing page visitors better imagine themselves with your product and establish trust relationships.
  4. Use a variety of colors to create a balanced and memorable design. Ensure you optimize images for fast page loading to avoid slowing down its operation.
  5. Use white space to improve perception and focus.
  6. White space (or unused space) will help maintain visitors' attention and facilitate a better understanding of your message. Structure the text with the help of bullet points and short paragraphs to facilitate the understanding of information.
  7. Place critical text in an F-shaped pattern, following the natural reading direction of most internet users. This will help direct visitors' gaze towards key elements that contribute to conversion.

Content Upload

Once you have set up its design, it's time to fill your landing page with content.

The Headline!

How to create a headline that keeps attention on your landing page?

The first step in writing copy for your landing page is to structure it; it usually includes a headline, a tagline, text, visual elements (images and videos), and a call to action. An engaging headline and an image play a significant role, but without well-thought-out text, they can be ineffective. Your text needs to be clear and concise, guiding visitors towards the desired action. Persuasive text should directly address the visitor, using 'you' and 'your'.

Every Number Counts: When 70% of visitors leave, the headline becomes your main ally. Convince them to stay by offering them a clear benefit right after. 

Make a Relevant Offer

Think of your landing page as a step in your lead's journey toward the final offer—your product or service. Your offer needs to be compelling enough for the visitor to want to leave their contact information, and at the same time, it should be related to your business. For example, if you sell gardening tools, an appropriate offer might be '10 Essential Tools for Your Garden,' as later you will offer to sell them your tools.

An offer not related to your business, such as investing in real estate, will lead the lead on a different path. In the following sections, we will examine in more detail how to make your offer as compelling as possible.

Call to Action on Your Landing Page

After you've informed visitors about the benefits of your product or service, it's time to include an effective call to action (CTA). This element is critical for increasing conversions on the page. The CTA is usually a button with a contrasting design, which should immediately draw attention. It should clearly indicate what action needs to be taken, for example, 'send a request,' 'download now,' or 'get the offer.'

Your call to action can include offers for visitors to buy the product immediately, use a discount for the first purchase, subscribe to a newsletter with exclusive deals, or check reviews from other satisfied customers. These calls not only stimulate making a purchase but also help build long-term relationships with customers.

Pro Tip: To achieve the best results, keep a single target per page. This not only simplifies the creation of an effective landing page but also makes the process easier for your visitors.

Elemente suplimentare (formular)

Sometimes, simply adding call-to-action buttons is not enough, especially if your audience is diverse. In such cases, it's important to include a form for collecting necessary information from visitors. Before creating a form, determine what information you really need. If a name and email address are sufficient, just include these fields. Do not overload the form with additional questions if they are not critical to your strategy. In July 2023 , a survey of 101 marketers and advertisers in the USA was conducted to explore trends in landing pages. According to the survey results, 30.7% of participants recommend not having more than four questions per page to achieve the best conversion rates. Another 10.9% of marketers mentioned that it is enough to request just the name and email address. These insights should be considered when designing your form. It's also important to link your form to your electronic marketing tools and CRM for efficient management and development of your customer base.

Place the Lead Form Above the Scroll

Your lead form should be easily accessible, so a potential customer can convert instantly—you don't want them to waste time searching for your offer on the page.

'Above the scroll' placement means that visitors will see the form immediately upon arriving at the page, without needing to scroll.

This can be either a form or an anchor link to the form. To ensure an even more user-friendly experience, you can design the layout so that the page scrolls automatically along with the user as they move.

Request Only Necessary Information

Strive to minimize the data collection about your lead. The amount of information requested depends on their familiarity with your brand, their stage in the purchase process, and their level of trust in you. Limit yourself to the essentials—name and email address are often enough to start a relationship.

Exclude Unnecessary Navigation

The purpose of your landing page is to convert visitors into leads. Any additional links, including internal transitions to other pages of your site, can distract from this task. Remove all unnecessary links to keep visitors focused on your call to action.

Testing the Landing Page

Before launching your landing page, don't forget to perform testing and previewing. Make sure all elements look and function as intended. Check the text for errors, and the design for correct placement and formatting. Ensure that all links, forms, and buttons work correctly and that visitor information is securely transmitted to your electronic marketing tool and/or CRM. When everything is ready, hit 'Publish'.

And that's not all. After publishing the page, continue to monitor and test to consistently improve the conversion rate. A/B testing is a reliable assistant in this regard. Experiment with headlines, visual elements, the form, and the CTA button to determine what works best for your audience. Analyze data and user feedback to make the necessary adjustments to enhance the effectiveness of your landing page over time.

A/B Testing Example. Imagine you're conducting an experiment with the headlines on your landing page. Create two versions of the page: in the first version, the headline reads 'Get a Free Consultation', and in the second – 'Submit a Request for a Free Consultation'. Then track which version is preferred by users and analyze the data to determine which headline attracts more customers.

Why is a Landing Page So Important?

A landing page provides focus on your offer, eliminating distracting elements and directing visitors' attention to specific actions, including completing the form. The statistics speak for themselves: the average conversion rate of a landing page is 5.89%, and 43.6% of marketers use them for lead generation. Therefore, effective landing pages are not just a tool but a key element in your marketing strategy.

In conclusion, a landing page is not just the first step in interacting with a potential customer, it is your chance to make an immediate impression and encourage action. An effectively designed landing page not only improves conversion but also builds trust, strengthening your brand in the eyes of the audience. Remember the key elements: clarity of the offer, attractive design, minimalist approach in data request, and compelling call to action. By applying these methods, you will maximize the effectiveness of each landing page, transforming visitors into active and satisfied customers. Good luck creating your ideal landing page!

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